American workers face a monumental retirement readiness crisis. We at Rivard Retirement commend you for your caring and generosity. As an employer offering a company retirement plan benefit to your employees, you are on the front lines of that crisis. In many cases, the retirement plan you offer will be the single best hope for your employees to achieve some level of financial independence in their retirement years.

But as a retirement plan fiduciary, you are also assuming a serious responsibility that carries potential liability. Increasing regulatory scrutiny and new regulations have placed a burden on many employers, making it more challenging than ever to properly maintain a plan, compare and monitor costs, stay updated on potentially beneficial new plan features, and ensure participating employees are maximizing the potential of the benefit you provide.

At Rivard Retirement, we understand that you have a business to run. We invite you to leverage our passion, experience and guidance so you can be free to focus on what you do best- running a profitable enterprise.

Please contact us for a complimentary assessment of your retirement plan.

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